Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Bible and 2012

Biblical text has always brought a lot of intrigue, curiosity as well as vast imagery as people can spend a lifetime studying and deciphering this great book.

The Book of Revelations

Revelations, the prophetic writings of John and the last book in the Bible, describes the final war between good and evil and the second coming of Christ. Many believe that the time of Revelations is growing upon us and that the time period described in the book of Revelations directly points to what is going on with our world today.

There has been a lot of discussion of whether or not the period known as Revelations will occur in conjunction with year 2012 and the Galactic Alignment. Just as Nostradamus predicted a period of great cataclysm, the Bible, in the book of Revelations, also speaks very hard times before the great battle of Armageddon where God descends upon the world to trump Satan in the Holy war of good and evil.

The Bible and 2012

Just as some of the 2012 prophecies suggests, the book of Revelations states that such disasters will come along with the four horsemen of Apocalypse, some of these disasters being:

  • Plague
  • Fire
  • Meteor Showers
  • Famine
  • War
  • Drought
  • and flooding as in the time of Noah, only this time, its a flood of fire.

Plus even more disasters as the time of Revelations occur.

Revelations 2012 - The  Bible 2012

Do the prophecies of 2012 and the Bible with the book of Revelations coincide with each other? Is 2012 the year that marks the Apocalypse, also referred to as the "End of Days"?

Does 2012 mark the time of Revelations that John wrote about so many years ago?

More importantly, is 2012 a time of apocalypse and doom or a time of evolution and enlightenment of vast proportions?

The Bible Code

The Bible Code is a set of messages said to be hidden in the text of the bible which is supposedly foretells events that have happened and will happen in the future. Some say that within the puzzle known as the Bible Code are prophecies which are to come and some prophecies which have already occurred such as the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

The Bible Code

Some suggests that the Bible Code marks our fate in year 2012.

The Bible Code

The Bible Code

The Bible Code is made up of strategically placed letters and numbers within the Bible which when put together create words or series of words through computer decoding.

Although scrutinized as random findings that can be found in every text ever written, the Bible code predicts some rather pin-pointed predictions and may even point to a time in which solar bursts cause a great cataclysm on our earth.

An example of the findings of the Bible Code in which have held true is the prophecy of the 9/11 attack and goes as follows:


The Bible Code

So does the Bible Code really exist? If so, is it of God? Were we just now, in the age of computers and the Internet, allowed such knowledge? Jesus himself may have explained it as such in the Book of David:

"Thou Daniel, Seal up these Prophecies and shut up the Words of this book, until The Time of The End, When Travel And Knowledge have greatly Increased” (Daniel 12:4).

Author of the Book, The Bible Code, Michael Drosnin first published in 1997 then The Bible Code II in 2002 writes about the subject and his theories of the phenomenon which even includes alien technology.

Something to take note of is that the Bible Code isn't taken from the English Bible, But the Old Testament books of the Torah written in Hebrew.

Bible Code 2012 Predictions and Prophecies

The Code Clusters found in the Bible Code seem to aim at Solar Flairs and a comet (wormwood ? Planet X ? Niburu ?) of large size plummeting to earth causing a apocalyptic fury upon the earth. Does this cluster, one of the many similar clusters found in the Bible Code, explain this happening in 2012:

2012 comet large - stone-like / stony object - sped
Tongue-like Sun - whole earth / earth annihilated -
Planetary / wanderer fragmentary sixty mile - / scatter-gun
Crater Canada ultimate terrifying appalling lethal
Modifier - mantle - axis - tilting - tipping Speeded
Seismic - eradication - It will be crumbled / I will tear to pieces

[ The cluster above from the Bible Code seems to suggest a comet hitting the earth and shattering all, a Crater in Canada, and some sort of eruption or earthquake and maybe a hint of magnetic polar shifts switching which are one of the theories to happen in year 2012.]

2012 Bible Code Predictions

It's somewhat unnerving reading the clusters and they definitely do not share a trace of hopefulness, but skeptics agree that you could extract the same type of code from any large text and doesn't prove that anything will happen in year 2012.

If you are interested in learning even more about the Bible Code, I highly suggest reading Michael Drosnin's books, The Bible Code and The Bible Code II

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