Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Hopi Indians 2012 Prophecy

The Hopi Indians 2012 Prophecy

The Hopi Tribe

The Hopi Indians Prophecy - 2012

The Hopi Indians who are native American's from the Arizona area who have thrived as a tribe for centuries. The "Hopi" roughly pronounced (Hope-ee) which roughly means "peaceful" or "good" resided in the region of Northwester Arizona. Like many early desert-living civilizations, the Hopi Indians lived in Adobe homes which were made out of clay. Being expert farmers the Hopi Indians were well versed in agriculture and were also hunters which used bows and arrows as hunting tools. Since they were not a coastal tribe, the Hopi Indians rarely used canoes nor did they often fish as they often hunted on land and on foot. The Hopi tribe's language (which is mostly now modern English) early on began as derived from the early Aztec language which also somewhat identifies the type of lifestyle and locations in which they lived.

Hopi Tribe Prophecies of Year 2012

The Hopi have an extraordinarily strong cultural background as do many ancient civilizations and rich in spiritual beliefs, one of which points to the 2012 phenomenon.

The Hopi Indian Connection to Year 2012

The Hopi tribe believes that the earth has experienced four different worlds, and the end of the fourth world is near and quickly approaching the fifth, possibly in the year 2012. It is said that the Kachina will reveal itself by removing its mask and dance with the Hopi in their pueblos during this time.

The Saquasohuh Kachina which is described as the Blue Star will return to earth marking the ending of the 4th world and the beginning of the 5th. At this time there will be no more ceremonies and no more faith for a period of time and is considered the time of "great purification" as we merge in to the 5th world.

The Hopi 9 Signs of the End of the World

(and the beginning of the new world)

In the Hopi 2012 Prophecy, the Hopi have described warning signs or the 9 Signs of the ending of our current fourth world which have already seemed to have happened such as:

  1. The coming of the white man (Easily and simply put, this relates to the presence of white man in early America as we know it.)
  2. The spinning of wheels along with voices (modern wheels?)
  3. The coming of cattle (an animal resembling the buffalo)
  4. Swimming snakes of iron (boats? submarines?)
  5. The world covered in an interlinking spider web (Power lines? The World Wide Web? Networking? GPS? Cellular Phones?)
  6. The land shall be crisscrossed with rivers of
    stone (roads?) that make pictures in the sun (possibly the reflection of the roads on hot, icy or wet days?) (Imagine not knowing about asphalt roads and what they might appear to look like to someone long ago.)
  7. The seas will turn black and kill many of the life in the sea. (Does this describe one of the many oil contaminations that have invaded our waters, polluting them?)
  8. You will see many youth, who wear their hair
    long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom. (This could represent the "Hippie" movement in addition to many cultural connections that we have made since then. Even today, long hair, tattoos, peircings and spiritual beliefs in the youth are abundant and reflect early tribal civilizations.)
  9. You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease. ( Some believe that this could resemble the U.S. Space Station Skylab which fell to earth in 1979 which witnesses said it looked like a "blue star", in addition, there have been a number of other astrological anomalies which could be seen as a "blue star" including the illuminations of planets, comets, meteor showers and so forth.)

Hopi Blue Star Kachina

The Hopi Prophecy Rock

Hopi Prophecy Rock 2012 Prophecies

A petroglyph near Oraibi, Arizona, known as Prophecy Rock tells a story of the two possible scenarios or two possible fates that will be determined by humans as to the way this world ends and begins. A highly important spiritual artifact of the Hopi Indians, Prophecy Rock represents two paths, one of which seems overcrowded by man and a quickly ending future and another which shows less man, vegetation and the continuation of life as depicted by many. This however isn't the only translation of the Hopi Prophecy Rock, but one possible conclusion of the meaning of this Prophetic Stone.

The Hopi Prophecy Rock or  the prophecy stone

Hopi Prophecies

Regardless of the conclusion you may have about prophecy rock, the similarity in the belief systems between the Hopi and many 2012 enthusiasts create a huge synapse of connections. Like modern day Christianity, the Hopi believe that we must live a good life and a life without evil intentions in order to meet and be with our creator.

The Hopi are just one of many cultures and civilizations that point either to Armageddon, The Apocalypse, the End of the World / End of Days or a time of New Beginnings, Enlightenment, a time of Peace and Tranquility or a way of living in which we have never experienced before.

Along with Nostradamus, the Bible, the Mayans and the Mayan Calendar, the Galactic Alignment and a horde of 2012 prophecies and predictions, the Hopi share a common interest in the well being of the Earth, Life and our way of life creating another connection in the year 2012 and the 2012 phenomenon.

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