The Lost Book of Nostradamus
The Lost Book of Nostradamus refers to a book containing a compilations of images known as Vaticinia Nostradami (Prophecies of Nostradamus).
The Lost Book of Nostradamus contains a series of 80 water color images in addition to some text. These images portray a number of different images such as wheels, religious figures, swords, trees, beasts, suns and various other depictions in which seems ultimately symbolic and uses the figures to point, encompass, hit, look and direct as to contain a deeper meaning within the illustrations.
One of the many mysteries surrounding this book is that it seems to assign Nostradamus as the original creator within the text of the book. What makes this so mysterious is that there is evidence which suggests that Nostradamus most likely didn't create the water color art. In fact, the publication was dated several centuries before the time Nostradamus existed.
Discovered Recently, in 1994 an Italian journalist found the ancient relic in the Italian National Library in Rome. Since then the Lost Book of Nostradamus has created a great amount of attention, mystery and intrigue as to the true origins of the book.
Although there is no proof as to Nostradamus being the creator of the book, many Nostradamus enthusiasts believe that the pages in the book go hand in hand with the prophetic quatrains of Nostradamus.
The Lost Book of Nostradamus connection to 2012
A common conclusion with the Lost Book of Nostradamus is that it may refer to the End of Days or Doomsday and/or possibly ties in with an astrological anomoly having to do with the Galactic Alignment starting in December 21st year 2012. In addition some people say the depictions predict the fall of the Catholic church, the coming of the 3rd antichrist among many other end of the world scenarios.
Evidence suggests also that the book has changed hands a number of times and possibly altered, added-to, re-constructed a number of times as well. Within the texts they've found that the book contains 3 separate handwritings which none of them resemble that of Michel de Nostradame (Nostradamus), however plainly written on the book it assigns Nostradamus as the creator of the work... Just another mystery of the Lost Book of Nostradamus.
One of the pages of the Lost Book of Nostradamus above shows a book which on one side is believed to possibly be the tree of life and on the right side, the only writing which is plainly visible says "One Male" in plain English which is very coincidental since Nostradamus never wrote in the English language - Some suggest that "One Male" was meant to be discovered in today's age hence it is written in plain English.
Some people also believe that the burning tower above, which is also used in Tarot readings, may depict the burning of the Twin Towers on 9/11.
In the water color painting above from the Lost Book of Nostradamus some believe is highly symbolic. Some of the theories suggests that:
| The "wheel" at the top, with eight spokes, represents the "wheel of life" or the "wheel of fortune" - A later depiction at the end shows the wheel without spokes which many believe that it resembles the end of time as we know it. |
| The "tree" depicted in the picture above represents the "Tree of Life" being smashed by a club or blunt object. |
| The "S" shaped ribbon around the sword depicts the Galactic Alignment in which the Earth becomes perfectly aligned with the Sun and the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy - Which is said to occur on December 21st, Year 2012. |
| The "Scorpion" some believe represents the astrological sign of Scorpio. |
| And the lamb at the bottom represents the return of Christ as in the book of Revelations. |
Now these are simply speculations and observations of others but it definitely adds mystery to the Lost Book and the 2012 Phenomenon.
This depiction shows no spokes within the believed "wheel of life". It also shows Nostradamus holding a book which no longer has any writing on it. Does that mean the "End of Everything" or does it mean that the book of life is empty and it is up to us to create our own book, our own fate of what is to be. In a previous page of the book, it shows 3 women, which some believe to represent the 3 fates or 3 possible options. At this point of the book, one of the possible fates is no longer an option and we are left with only 2 fates at this point of time.
With eighty pages to the Lost Book of Nostradamus, it is simply too much to write about them all in one page, so I will leave it to your imagination to decipher what the pages mean below. Have fun and good luck!
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