Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nostradamus 2012

Nostradamus 2012


The 16th Century French prophet, alchemist, apothecary, astronomer and astrologer Michel de Nostradame, most commonly known as Nostradamus who in both his own time and now is one of the worlds most highly regarded seers and one of the most important figures in 2012 prophecies. The Nostradamus 2012 prophecies are some of the most intriguing and most chilling.

Nostradamus is quite possibly one of the worlds most recognized prophet and quite infamous for predicting some of the greatest historical events of which leads up to the year 2012 as many believe.

At a time in which such knowledge was extremely dangerous and easily life-threatening, Nostradamus was quite careful in keeping certain prophecies and predictions in deep secrecy while only unveiling the right information at the right time, and even today, many people believe that his prophecies are still carefully coming to light as the right time for them approaches.

Michel de Nostradame who managed to escape the clutches of the bubonic plague (a.k.a. black plague, black death) which wiped out a obscene amount of the European population which included his first family leaving Nostradamus alone for a period of time.

Nostradamus 2012

Nostradamus was born December 14th, 1503 in St. Remey-de-Provence and studied medicine in the early years of his life. He lived much of his life in secrecy as it was easy to be seen as a heretic with the ability to prophesize and predict and was charged for heresy from the church in 1538 which he was able to flee from, quite possibly saving his life.

Nostradamus was known for many of his writings and was the first in history to publish an almanac. One of his writings, Les Propheties (The Prophecies), is the text in which Nostradamus is most famous for.

Nostradamus Prophecy

Nostradamus Prophecy

Nostradamus prophecies include many historical events including his own death and possibly the end of the world, or doomsday which is said to occur in the Year 2012.

The prophecies of Nostradamus have marked great events that have happened over time including, but not nearly limited to:

The death of Henry II from a jousting accident.
The French revolution.
Emperor Napoleon - possibly the first antichrist.
WWII and the rise of Hister (Hitler) as the second antichrist. - 3rd antichrist yet to appear.
The Kennedy assassination.
The burning of the twin towers.
among many other instances that have occurred throughout time.

Many of predictions of Nostradamus were cleverly concealed in riddle and secrecy as various sections or "quatrains" and use symbolism to describe future technologies in which were not evented for many years to come. Although depending on the reader, many of his predictions could be looked at in a multitude of ways and some of his predictions had either mistakes or misspellings, however Nostradamus was also known for predicting the exact names and places of famous people and events throughout history.

Nostradamus 2012 Prophecies

Nostradamus 2012 Prophecies

Among the many prophecies of Nostradamus, the ones said to come about around the year 2012 are by far the most frightening. These 2012 prophecies of Nostradamus often describe great cataclysmic disasters, from flooding, earthquakes, nuclear war, plague and starvation, the coming of the 3rd and final antichrist, the earth engulfed in flames and a large bodied mass from outer space colliding with the earth which is known by the name Wormwood. Some believe this can directly reflect what is written in the bible in the book of revelations in which the ultimate battle of good and evil takes place.

Nostradamus  Prophecies Quatrains Book

Although these prophecies may seem to describe a bleak and hopeless future, many who have thoroughly studied Nostradamus's prophecies believe that they are more of a warning rather than fated doom. Many of the prophecies of Nostradamus have an aspect of hope and undertones of choice which suggests that at the last moment we can change the way we live therefore alter the fate of the world. However, if we do not take action, if we choose to ignore the possible dangers ahead of us, we are doomed to dig our own graves unless great change occurs.

Something to take under consideration when it comes to prophecy, especially when it is presented in symbolism and puzzles, it is ultimately up to the individual to understand what each prophecy really means and how it relates to them personally. Simply because a person believes that a specific meaning of a piece of writing foretells a specific event, does not mean it can't be interpreted differently or even misinterpreted as such. This also holds true in the prophecies and quatrains of Michel de Nostradamus.'

Nostradamus  Prophecies and Predictions

The Lost Book of Nostradamus

New Prophecies Emerge as the Lost Book of Nostradamus, a collection of writings and Pictures which is attributed to the prophet, Nostradamus mysteriously emerges.

The Lost Book of Nostradamus

Recently, in 1994 an Italian journalist discovers an ancient relic in the Italian National Library in Rome dating back to 1629 which refers to the original author being Nostradamus

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