Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Hindu - 2012

The Hindu - 2012

Hindu Prophecies 2012

Much like the Egyptian Calendar and Mayan Calendar (Long Calendar), the Hindu have a calendar which has it's end in December 21st, Year 2012. Although the Hindu Calendar ends 12/21/2012, it doesn't start until Feb 18th 3102 B.C., 12 Years after the Mayan Calendar begins on it's fifth cycle. What is in store for the Hindu 2012 prophecies?

The Hindu - 2012

The Golden Age - 2012

According to the “Brahma-Vaivarta Purana”, of the Hindu faith, the Kali Yuga calendar begins in 3102 B.C. and the Golden Age, a marking of a new era begins around 5,000 years from the beginning of Kali Yuga era and lasts for 10,000 years according to Hindu scriptures.

The Hindu Calendar

Hindu Calendar 2012

In the Hindu faith they mark both Lunar and Solar calendars, the Satya Yuga, also known as the Golden Age, some researchers and those of the Hindu faith believe it is to start year 2012 which is in conjunction with the Mayan Calendar and Egyptian Calendar.

Some tie this in with all the same prophecies of 2012 which appear over and over again in many different cultures and often displayed as such:

People start out in this time of change going through some extremely hard times, plague, famine, disasters from above and from earth, and great change to take place. After this period of destruction and hard times, some form of enlightenment happens, a sudden and great change of the way we live and think, something returns from ancient times, a great energy appears, a new era begins and we live in peace, atleast those who are still left, for thousands of years to come within this new world.

The idea is that if you can not adapt or change, whether as an individual or as a society, then you will perish, but if you can embrace change and adapt, then it is likely that you will survive. We can see examples of this in the Bible and the Book of Revelations, we can see this in the Hopi Prophecies and the Prophecies of Nostradamus. The ancient Egyptians have similar prophecies so do Web Bot and cultures around the world. Is this the beginning of the Golden Age of 2012?

The Hindu Calendar 2012

Whether you are Hindu, Christian or any other faith, and almost every faith has such a period of time within their scriptures and texts, one thing is for certain, change is upon us and its time to see things in a different light. No to be fatalistic, but to be optimistic and aggressive when it comes to changing for the better of all.

Hindu Golden Age 2012 Calendar

The Hindu and the 2012 phenomenon again coincide with an era known as the Golden Age and the HinduCalendar which possibly ends in 2012 - Another example of an enduring legend which starts and ends in 2012.

The Egyptians 2012

The Egyptians 2012

The Egyptians 2012

The Egyptians, one of the greatest civilizations ever known, and one of the most mysterious in history, could possibly hold one of the many keys to the 2012 phenomenon. So what do the early Egyptians have to do with the Year 2012?

Egyptian Prophecies of 2012 and Maya

The Egyptians and the similarity to the Mayan Civilization:

Many believe, just like the Maya, the Egyptians had their own 2012 prophecy. Just as the Mayan civilization were far ahead of their time in astronomy, architecture and construction along with calendars and number systems, the Egyptians were a huge overpowering civilization, much like the Maya (and have extremely odd similarities as the Maya) and many secrets exist in the legacy of the Egyptians and their advancements. Some even suggest that both the Egyptians and Mayans were descendents of the lost city of Atlantis and may have been descendents of an unknown race of people.

2012 Egyptian Pyramid Prophecy

Many believe that the Egyptians had their own 2012 prophecies in which foretell of Magnetic polar shifts, cataclysmic disasters, and the perishing of millions due to war and ecological disasters such as tidal waves and earthquakes.

2012 Egyptian Pyramid Prophecy

Secrets are kept with the early Egyptians and a lot has to do with the placements of their pyramids and temples in relation to the stars. The Egyptians used precise math and astronomy in their creation of the great pyramids, one of the 7 wonders of the world.

The Belt of Orion and the Pyramids of Giza

Belt of Orion and Pyramids of Giza

One of the connections to be made with the Egyptian pyramids and the stars is that the Pyramids of Giza are in direct alignment with the 3 stars known as the Belt of Orion.

It is believed that through this connection lies the Egyptian Labyrinth which may hold the key to many answers, including our own destiny and life on earth as we know it.

As with many 2012 prophecies and other mystical prophecies, it is said that we will learn the truth or have access to certain knowledge when the time is right. Just as the discovery of the Lost Book of Nostradamus was discovered far from the time it was created, many believe that the truth of the Egyptian Pyramids will become unveiled when we are ready... when the time is right! In fact, the sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce among others believe that we can only learn the truth when it is ready to be uncovered.

The Egyptian Prophecy and the Road Blocks

Many of the secrets of the ancient Egyptians remain a mystery today due to certain laws restricting digging and highly restricted archeological work... Only time will tell what is to be revealed in the future.

The Egyptian Calendar 2012

The Egyptian Calendar System, just like the Mayan Calendar, end in year 2012. Simply a coincidence or does this signify something much greater? Does the Egyptian Calendar ending 2012 mark the end of time, the end of an era or civilization or simply just an end of a calendar like ours does each year?

Egyptian Calendar 2012

Another anomolie which occurs within the great pyramids is that the legnths measured around and within the pyramid may also hold some secret importance. Some researchers found that if you use the ancient Egyptians method of measurement you can actually measure periods of time within the Great Pyramid and that if you measure from certain points, the pyramid itself acts as a numerological calendar which seems to also end in Year 2012.

Egyptian  Pyramids 2012 Calendar Measurement

The great civilization of the Ancient Egyptians have many secrets, some of which may never be known, but one thing is for certain, we have a lot to learn about the many secrets they left behind and their involvement in the 2012 phenomenon.

Web Bot 2012

Web Bot 2012

Web Bot Predictions 2012

The Web Bot Project:

The Web Bot Project, was developed in the late 1990's, a time not far from now. The Web Bot Project was created in order to help predict stock projections and aide in the financial decisions based on an algorithm from the Internet using various keyword combinations. Like Google, Yahoo and other search engines and online software, Web Bot used "spiders" or "crawlers" to crawl the web, gathering information and compiling it in to useful information. This was used to predict and project stock prices and stock market ups and downs for smarter investing.

Web Bot Project

This information was gathered and compiled in a complex mathematical manner as an algorithm. The information produced a collective unconscious global voice and measurement much like that of a giant Internet Brain. This was produced by the cumulative web chatter that was taking place all across the world wide web. Although created primarily for investment purposes, Web Bot started to predict some extremely unusual and different predictions than what the creators were expecting.

Web Bot started creating a number of startling predictions that had much more to do with the global mood of the world than the financial world. Web Bot acted much like an Internet Prophet creating prophecies and predictions of scary things to come based on the chatter of the entire world.

In June 2001, Web Bot created its first accurate prediction which would take place 60-90 days from when the prediction had taken place. This prediction or prophecy would change the world as we know it. Web Bot accurately predicted the great tragedy of the Twin Towers falling on 9/11 which shocked the world!

web bot twin towers 9/11

Web Bot Predictions and Prophecies

Following the 9/11 attack which was accurately predicted by Web Bot, Web Bot would also predict such things as:

  • Major increases in Unemployment.
  • The fall of the Housing Industry, Bank Foreclosures and more.
  • A Major Stock Market Crash
  • A Major Bank Failure and a Possible Bailout
  • Government Preparing for an Untold Disaster and Prepping for Future Problems
  • Major Climate Changes, Hurricanes, Earthquakes and Tidal Disasters

These were predictions that have already taken place between 2008-2009. Many of the people of the world have felt the affects of these accurate predictions as they are told almost in precise detail.

Web Bot 2012

Future Web Bot Predictions Leading to 2012:

Web Bot 2012

The following are rough translations of the predictions Webbot has made leading up to it's last predictions in 2012:

  • The Death of the Dollar and Major Inflation in 2010.
  • Sustainable living practices becoming the only option for living.
  • A possible global coastal disaster or situation in 2011.
  • Magnetosphere problems causing the burning of crops. Grain crops failing and food riots starting due to loss of available foods. Rioting in Rome which forces its way in to the Vatican in May 2011.

Web Bot 2012 Predictions -  magnetosphere

  • Sometime in 2011, Web Bot predicts an extra-terrestrial alien visit which could lead to even more unfolding for the future.

Web Bot Prediction Alien Invasion

  • Year 2012 - A large amount of the population will not survive due to pandemics, economical failure, a breakdown in healthcare and government and Unknown Energies from Space. ( Could this be the Worm WoodProphecy?)

These may sound like certain death to many but it is important to remember that these predictions simply come from the global chatter online. Depending on your beliefs, the predictions of Web Bot in Year 2012 reflect only of what we know and say at this particular time and place. This also leads us to believe that we can possibly and collectively change the online chatter thus creating more positive predictions of the future.

It is commonly believed that we create our own destiny based on how we think and live. In this day and age more and more people are adopting a more positive way of thinking and in addition focusing a lot of concern on our environment and economics... since these are the problems we face today.

Could this simply be our worst fears and conversations being exposed from the Internet - A place where we share our deepest, darkest feelings and thoughts? It is definitely safe to say that since our identities are often hidden online, then we tend to bar no holds when it comes to the ugliness of what's inside. It is safe to say that we share more of what pains us online than what makes us happy, this needs to be taken in consideration when deciphering the Web Bot Predictions of 2012 and how Web Bot predicts the health of the world.

The Hopi Indians 2012 Prophecy

The Hopi Indians 2012 Prophecy

The Hopi Tribe

The Hopi Indians Prophecy - 2012

The Hopi Indians who are native American's from the Arizona area who have thrived as a tribe for centuries. The "Hopi" roughly pronounced (Hope-ee) which roughly means "peaceful" or "good" resided in the region of Northwester Arizona. Like many early desert-living civilizations, the Hopi Indians lived in Adobe homes which were made out of clay. Being expert farmers the Hopi Indians were well versed in agriculture and were also hunters which used bows and arrows as hunting tools. Since they were not a coastal tribe, the Hopi Indians rarely used canoes nor did they often fish as they often hunted on land and on foot. The Hopi tribe's language (which is mostly now modern English) early on began as derived from the early Aztec language which also somewhat identifies the type of lifestyle and locations in which they lived.

Hopi Tribe Prophecies of Year 2012

The Hopi have an extraordinarily strong cultural background as do many ancient civilizations and rich in spiritual beliefs, one of which points to the 2012 phenomenon.

The Hopi Indian Connection to Year 2012

The Hopi tribe believes that the earth has experienced four different worlds, and the end of the fourth world is near and quickly approaching the fifth, possibly in the year 2012. It is said that the Kachina will reveal itself by removing its mask and dance with the Hopi in their pueblos during this time.

The Saquasohuh Kachina which is described as the Blue Star will return to earth marking the ending of the 4th world and the beginning of the 5th. At this time there will be no more ceremonies and no more faith for a period of time and is considered the time of "great purification" as we merge in to the 5th world.

The Hopi 9 Signs of the End of the World

(and the beginning of the new world)

In the Hopi 2012 Prophecy, the Hopi have described warning signs or the 9 Signs of the ending of our current fourth world which have already seemed to have happened such as:

  1. The coming of the white man (Easily and simply put, this relates to the presence of white man in early America as we know it.)
  2. The spinning of wheels along with voices (modern wheels?)
  3. The coming of cattle (an animal resembling the buffalo)
  4. Swimming snakes of iron (boats? submarines?)
  5. The world covered in an interlinking spider web (Power lines? The World Wide Web? Networking? GPS? Cellular Phones?)
  6. The land shall be crisscrossed with rivers of
    stone (roads?) that make pictures in the sun (possibly the reflection of the roads on hot, icy or wet days?) (Imagine not knowing about asphalt roads and what they might appear to look like to someone long ago.)
  7. The seas will turn black and kill many of the life in the sea. (Does this describe one of the many oil contaminations that have invaded our waters, polluting them?)
  8. You will see many youth, who wear their hair
    long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom. (This could represent the "Hippie" movement in addition to many cultural connections that we have made since then. Even today, long hair, tattoos, peircings and spiritual beliefs in the youth are abundant and reflect early tribal civilizations.)
  9. You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease. ( Some believe that this could resemble the U.S. Space Station Skylab which fell to earth in 1979 which witnesses said it looked like a "blue star", in addition, there have been a number of other astrological anomalies which could be seen as a "blue star" including the illuminations of planets, comets, meteor showers and so forth.)

Hopi Blue Star Kachina

The Hopi Prophecy Rock

Hopi Prophecy Rock 2012 Prophecies

A petroglyph near Oraibi, Arizona, known as Prophecy Rock tells a story of the two possible scenarios or two possible fates that will be determined by humans as to the way this world ends and begins. A highly important spiritual artifact of the Hopi Indians, Prophecy Rock represents two paths, one of which seems overcrowded by man and a quickly ending future and another which shows less man, vegetation and the continuation of life as depicted by many. This however isn't the only translation of the Hopi Prophecy Rock, but one possible conclusion of the meaning of this Prophetic Stone.

The Hopi Prophecy Rock or  the prophecy stone

Hopi Prophecies

Regardless of the conclusion you may have about prophecy rock, the similarity in the belief systems between the Hopi and many 2012 enthusiasts create a huge synapse of connections. Like modern day Christianity, the Hopi believe that we must live a good life and a life without evil intentions in order to meet and be with our creator.

The Hopi are just one of many cultures and civilizations that point either to Armageddon, The Apocalypse, the End of the World / End of Days or a time of New Beginnings, Enlightenment, a time of Peace and Tranquility or a way of living in which we have never experienced before.

Along with Nostradamus, the Bible, the Mayans and the Mayan Calendar, the Galactic Alignment and a horde of 2012 prophecies and predictions, the Hopi share a common interest in the well being of the Earth, Life and our way of life creating another connection in the year 2012 and the 2012 phenomenon.

The Galactic Alignment of 2012

The Galactic Alignment of 2012

Galactic Alignment 2012

The Galactic Alignment, a great astronomical anomolie which will occur on December 21st, 2012 marks one of the greatest happenings of the 2012 phenomenon.

What is the Galactic Alignment?

The Galactic Alignment which will occur on the ending of year 2012 marks 1 of 3 different eclipses said to happen during 2012. At this time, from the earths perspective, the Sun will appear directly in the middle of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. In other words, our earth, the sun and the center of the galaxy will be in perfect Alignment with each other.

Galactic Alignment 2012

This particular anomolie happens because of earths wobble as it rotates around the sun. Our earth shifts only one degree every 71.5 years, as a result we experience a Galactic Alignment every 26,000 years.

Why is the Galactic Alignment Important?

Many 2012 enthusiasts feel that the galactic alignment of the Milky Way Galaxy is extremely important and a number of theories and prophecies coincide with this particular event... some of which is pure speculation while others seem to be highly significant.

In the center of the Milky Way Galaxy is an extremely large and powerful Black Hole. In addition, many believe that intense energies radiate from the center of the Milky Way in which we may be vulnerable to. The Milky Way Galactic Alignment which has also been referred to as the Dark Rift.

Dark Rift Galactic Alignment 2012

Some ancient cultures believe that the "Dark Rift" is the gateway to "Hell" or the "Underworld". Some people also believe that due to our alignment we could be exposed to a number of gravitational, radiant and magnetic disturbances which could potentially greatly affect the way we life and the earth as we know it.

Another important happening around 2012 and the Galactic Alignment is what will be going on with our own Sun during this time. Our sun goes through cycles just like every thing in our Universe does, during 2012, the Sun will be at a peak of it's solar cycle which could mean solar flairs in addition to a number of solar disturbances which could affect our environment.

The Magnetosphere and the Magnetic Poles

Earths Magnetic  Poles - Magnetosphere 2012

It is believed that the magnetic poles of the earth have switched a number of times throughout history. In addition, the earth gets its protection from solar radiation through our magnetosphere which is derived from the hot core of the earth. Lately we have witnessed some weakening in the magnetosphere which could possibly point to the earth possibly switching its magnetic poles.

earths magnetic field

So what would happen if we momentarily lost our magnetosphere?

If this were to happen in completion, we would have no protection from the suns radiation. As a result, the earth would be exposed to horrible radiation, killing crops, causing starvation, heating up the earth.

In addition, such a disturbance could cause global environmental disasters such as huge seismic activity, flooding, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, hurricanes, storms and much more.

Earths magnetic  field solar burst 2012

If our magnetic poles switch, this would make magnetic north switch sides (our compasses would turn north, south and south, north) - This could also cause a series of events which could trigger one disaster after another.

Such a change could move continents, engulf land in water, cause Super Volcanoes to erupt (such as the one in Yellow Stone park), if this were to happen we would experience great destruction in over half of North America, then due to the large influx of ash in our atmosphere we would experience what is known as a Nuclear Winter which would cover the earth and block the suns light killing massive vegetation, making life on earth almost impossible.

So does this have anything to do with the Galactic Alignment? No one really knows. It is simply another one of the 2012 theories.

What we do know is that many cultures and civilizations point to 2012 as an extremely significant time of change and was obviously important to many throughout history.

The Bible and 2012

Biblical text has always brought a lot of intrigue, curiosity as well as vast imagery as people can spend a lifetime studying and deciphering this great book.

The Book of Revelations

Revelations, the prophetic writings of John and the last book in the Bible, describes the final war between good and evil and the second coming of Christ. Many believe that the time of Revelations is growing upon us and that the time period described in the book of Revelations directly points to what is going on with our world today.

There has been a lot of discussion of whether or not the period known as Revelations will occur in conjunction with year 2012 and the Galactic Alignment. Just as Nostradamus predicted a period of great cataclysm, the Bible, in the book of Revelations, also speaks very hard times before the great battle of Armageddon where God descends upon the world to trump Satan in the Holy war of good and evil.

The Bible and 2012

Just as some of the 2012 prophecies suggests, the book of Revelations states that such disasters will come along with the four horsemen of Apocalypse, some of these disasters being:

  • Plague
  • Fire
  • Meteor Showers
  • Famine
  • War
  • Drought
  • and flooding as in the time of Noah, only this time, its a flood of fire.

Plus even more disasters as the time of Revelations occur.

Revelations 2012 - The  Bible 2012

Do the prophecies of 2012 and the Bible with the book of Revelations coincide with each other? Is 2012 the year that marks the Apocalypse, also referred to as the "End of Days"?

Does 2012 mark the time of Revelations that John wrote about so many years ago?

More importantly, is 2012 a time of apocalypse and doom or a time of evolution and enlightenment of vast proportions?

The Bible Code

The Bible Code is a set of messages said to be hidden in the text of the bible which is supposedly foretells events that have happened and will happen in the future. Some say that within the puzzle known as the Bible Code are prophecies which are to come and some prophecies which have already occurred such as the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

The Bible Code

Some suggests that the Bible Code marks our fate in year 2012.

The Bible Code

The Bible Code

The Bible Code is made up of strategically placed letters and numbers within the Bible which when put together create words or series of words through computer decoding.

Although scrutinized as random findings that can be found in every text ever written, the Bible code predicts some rather pin-pointed predictions and may even point to a time in which solar bursts cause a great cataclysm on our earth.

An example of the findings of the Bible Code in which have held true is the prophecy of the 9/11 attack and goes as follows:


The Bible Code

So does the Bible Code really exist? If so, is it of God? Were we just now, in the age of computers and the Internet, allowed such knowledge? Jesus himself may have explained it as such in the Book of David:

"Thou Daniel, Seal up these Prophecies and shut up the Words of this book, until The Time of The End, When Travel And Knowledge have greatly Increased” (Daniel 12:4).

Author of the Book, The Bible Code, Michael Drosnin first published in 1997 then The Bible Code II in 2002 writes about the subject and his theories of the phenomenon which even includes alien technology.

Something to take note of is that the Bible Code isn't taken from the English Bible, But the Old Testament books of the Torah written in Hebrew.

Bible Code 2012 Predictions and Prophecies

The Code Clusters found in the Bible Code seem to aim at Solar Flairs and a comet (wormwood ? Planet X ? Niburu ?) of large size plummeting to earth causing a apocalyptic fury upon the earth. Does this cluster, one of the many similar clusters found in the Bible Code, explain this happening in 2012:

2012 comet large - stone-like / stony object - sped
Tongue-like Sun - whole earth / earth annihilated -
Planetary / wanderer fragmentary sixty mile - / scatter-gun
Crater Canada ultimate terrifying appalling lethal
Modifier - mantle - axis - tilting - tipping Speeded
Seismic - eradication - It will be crumbled / I will tear to pieces

[ The cluster above from the Bible Code seems to suggest a comet hitting the earth and shattering all, a Crater in Canada, and some sort of eruption or earthquake and maybe a hint of magnetic polar shifts switching which are one of the theories to happen in year 2012.]

2012 Bible Code Predictions

It's somewhat unnerving reading the clusters and they definitely do not share a trace of hopefulness, but skeptics agree that you could extract the same type of code from any large text and doesn't prove that anything will happen in year 2012.

If you are interested in learning even more about the Bible Code, I highly suggest reading Michael Drosnin's books, The Bible Code and The Bible Code II

The Mayan Calendar

The Mayan Calendar

The Mayan Calendar

The "Long" Mayan Calendar

The Mayan Calendar which is said to end December 21st 2012 is their longest existing calendar. Although the Mayan civilization were said to own a number of calendars marking much smaller time periods, this particular Mayan Calendar marks a date which some believe is a time of great change and the starting point for a new way of life, while others consider it the end of days.

The Mayan Calendar ending in  Year 2012

The Mayan Calendar and the Galactic Alignment

On December 21st, year 2012 marks the end of the Mayan calendar, but it also marks a great astronomical event in which the Earth, the Sun and the center of the Milky way galaxy become perfectly aligned. This is known as the Galactic Alignment.

Galactic Alignment Year 2012

Why was this time period so important? Why after all these years, far past the height of the Mayan civilization, does the calendar suddenly end?

quetzalcoatl mayan 2012

Quetzalcoatl, said to be born in 947 AD, a god of the Maya which has been tied to the 2012 phenomenon, is a half man half serpent god which was responsible for much of life in the times of the Maya. It is said at some point Quetzalcoatl will return to earth, many believe that is when the 2012 Mayan Calendar will end. What sort of fate does Quetzalcoatl hold for us in the year 2012? At the end of the Mayan Calendar, 12/21/2012, at the peak of the Galactic Alignment, will Quetzalcoatl make his second appearance? In the Bible, in the book of Revelations, Jesus is said to make his second coming, so why can't Quetzalcoatl?

Quetzalcoatl Maya 2012

The Mayan Calendar is just one more example of the 2012 phenomenon. Right along with Nostradamus, Web bot, the Hopi tribe and many other cultures, the Mayan make the mark at December 21st, year 2012.

The Mayan 2012

The Mayan - 2012

The Mayan 2012

The Maya were an ancient civilization long ago in what was known as Mesoamerica. The Mayan civilization started out around 1800 b.c.e. and still exist in today's culture in the Central America region.

Much mystery surrounds the Mayan civilization and were thought to be descendents of East Asians who migrated thousands of year ago.

The Maya are best known for their innovations in architecture, construction and creating their great beautiful cities and pyramids resembling that of the ancient Egyptians. The Maya were also well known for their scientific advances in math and astronomy which are greatly reflected in the large cities they left behind and the art left behind in the great monuments they produced thousands of years ago.

Maya 2012 The Maya Civilization

The Maya and the 2012 Connection

The connection between Dec. 21st year 2012 and the Mayan civilization offers a lot of questions and even more speculation only adding to the mystery behind the 2012 phenomenon.

The Maya, who had created a massive and powerful civilization were well versed in their knowledge of numbers and the stars above. The Maya created a number of calendars marking different dates and numbers. The Mayan "Long" Calendar, known more commonly as the Mayan Calendar depicts a spans of time in which one time begins and another ends. The end of this calendar marks the date December 21st, year 2012 which provides even more mystery to the Mayan 2012 mystery.

The Mayan Calendar - Year 2012

The Mayan Calendar - Year 2012

The Mayan Calendar is said to end in 2012, specifically 12/21/2012. Coincidentally, this marks the exact time and date of the great Galactic Alignment which will occur on... you guessed it, December 21st 2012.

The Mayan Calendar

The Lost Book of Nostradamus

The Lost Book of Nostradamus

The Lost Book of Nostradamus

The Lost Book of Nostradamus refers to a book containing a compilations of images known as Vaticinia Nostradami (Prophecies of Nostradamus).

The Lost Book of Nostradamus contains a series of 80 water color images in addition to some text. These images portray a number of different images such as wheels, religious figures, swords, trees, beasts, suns and various other depictions in which seems ultimately symbolic and uses the figures to point, encompass, hit, look and direct as to contain a deeper meaning within the illustrations.

One of the many mysteries surrounding this book is that it seems to assign Nostradamus as the original creator within the text of the book. What makes this so mysterious is that there is evidence which suggests that Nostradamus most likely didn't create the water color art. In fact, the publication was dated several centuries before the time Nostradamus existed.

Discovered Recently, in 1994 an Italian journalist found the ancient relic in the Italian National Library in Rome. Since then the Lost Book of Nostradamus has created a great amount of attention, mystery and intrigue as to the true origins of the book.

Although there is no proof as to Nostradamus being the creator of the book, many Nostradamus enthusiasts believe that the pages in the book go hand in hand with the prophetic quatrains of Nostradamus.

The Lost Book of Nostradamus connection to 2012

A common conclusion with the Lost Book of Nostradamus is that it may refer to the End of Days or Doomsday and/or possibly ties in with an astrological anomoly having to do with the Galactic Alignment starting in December 21st year 2012. In addition some people say the depictions predict the fall of the Catholic church, the coming of the 3rd antichrist among many other end of the world scenarios.

Evidence suggests also that the book has changed hands a number of times and possibly altered, added-to, re-constructed a number of times as well. Within the texts they've found that the book contains 3 separate handwritings which none of them resemble that of Michel de Nostradame (Nostradamus), however plainly written on the book it assigns Nostradamus as the creator of the work... Just another mystery of the Lost Book of Nostradamus.

The Lost Book of Nostradamus The Lost Book of Nostradamus - One Male

One of the pages of the Lost Book of Nostradamus above shows a book which on one side is believed to possibly be the tree of life and on the right side, the only writing which is plainly visible says "One Male" in plain English which is very coincidental since Nostradamus never wrote in the English language - Some suggest that "One Male" was meant to be discovered in today's age hence it is written in plain English.

Nostradamus  prophecy of the twin towers

Some people also believe that the burning tower above, which is also used in Tarot readings, may depict the burning of the Twin Towers on 9/11.

The Lost Book of  Nostradamus - Nostradamus Prophecy

In the water color painting above from the Lost Book of Nostradamus some believe is highly symbolic. Some of the theories suggests that:

The "wheel" at the top, with eight spokes, represents the "wheel of life" or the "wheel of fortune" - A later depiction at the end shows the wheel without spokes which many believe that it resembles the end of time as we know it.

The "tree" depicted in the picture above represents the "Tree of Life" being smashed by a club or blunt object.

The "S" shaped ribbon around the sword depicts the Galactic Alignment in which the Earth becomes perfectly aligned with the Sun and the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy - Which is said to occur on December 21st, Year 2012.

The "Scorpion" some believe represents the astrological sign of Scorpio.

And the lamb at the bottom represents the return of Christ as in the book of Revelations.

Now these are simply speculations and observations of others but it definitely adds mystery to the Lost Book and the 2012 Phenomenon.

The Lost  Book of Nostradamus - No spokes, 2 fates, empty book

This depiction shows no spokes within the believed "wheel of life". It also shows Nostradamus holding a book which no longer has any writing on it. Does that mean the "End of Everything" or does it mean that the book of life is empty and it is up to us to create our own book, our own fate of what is to be. In a previous page of the book, it shows 3 women, which some believe to represent the 3 fates or 3 possible options. At this point of the book, one of the possible fates is no longer an option and we are left with only 2 fates at this point of time.

With eighty pages to the Lost Book of Nostradamus, it is simply too much to write about them all in one page, so I will leave it to your imagination to decipher what the pages mean below. Have fun and good luck!

Nostradamus 2012 Prophecy

Nostradamus 2012 Prophecies

The Lost Book of Nostradamus 2012

2012 Prophecies

2012 Prophecy

2012 Countdown

2012 Survival

2012 Movie

Nostradamus Quatrains

Nostradamus  Prophecies and Predictions